Code |
Services |
Cost, RUB. |
Online consultation |
1.2.1 |
Fertility specialist online consultation (Zoom, Skype) |
4 000,00 |
Expert consultations |
1.20 |
Initial fertility specialist (head of department) consultation |
8 000,00 |
1.21 |
Follow-up fertility specialist (head of department) consultation |
5 000,00 |
1.22 |
Initial fertility specialist consultation |
5 000,00 |
1.23 |
Follow-up fertility specialist consultation |
3 000,00 |
1.26.1 |
Initial urologist consultation |
3 500,00 |
1.26.3 |
Initial urologist consultation for couple |
5 500,00 |
1.26.1 |
Initial consultation of a urologist-andrologist |
4 500,00 |
1.27.1 |
Follow-up urologist consultation |
3 900,00 |
1.27.3 |
Follow-up urologist consultation for couple |
4 400,00 |
1.29 |
Initial mammologist consultation |
4 000,00 |
1.30 |
Follow-up mammologist consultation |
3 500,00 |
1.33 |
Initial GP consultation |
4 000,00 |
1.34 |
Follow-up GP consultation |
3 500,00 |
1.49 |
Donor programs consultation |
1 500,00 |
1.50 |
Initial geneticist consultation |
4 000,00 |
1.51 |
Follow-up geneticist consultation |
3 500,00 |
1.53 |
Concilium |
7 000,00 |
1.57 |
Consultation on anti-age technology 2 Live Long |
4 900,00 |
2.7.1 |
Pelvis ultrasound |
3 500,00 |
2.7.4 |
Prostate ultrasound |
3 100,00 |
2.7.5 |
Prostate transrectal ultrasound |
2 800,00 | |
Scrotal ultrasound with doppler |
3 900,00 |
2.7.7 |
Abdominal ultrasound |
4 300,00 |
2.7.8 |
Thyroid ultrasound |
3 400,00 |
2.7.9 |
Breast ultrasound |
3 600,00 |
2.7.14 |
Colposcopy |
3 000,00 |
2.7.15 |
Hysterosalpingo Contrast Sonography (HyCoSy) |
10 000,00 |
2.7.21 |
Hysteroscopy |
23 340,00 |
2.7.22 |
Folliculometry |
5 000,00 |
2.7.37 |
Ultrasound of early pregnancy (from 8-11 weeks) |
3 400,00 |
Laboratory procedures |
3.11 |
Blood sampling |
250,00 |
3.12 |
Sampling swabs |
500,00 |
3.13 |
Spermogram |
4 000,00 |
3.20 |
HBA-test |
6 000,00 |
Assisted reproductive technologies |
Related services |
10.15 |
Foreign patient support by a coordinator |
30 000,00 |
5.22.1 |
Ultrasound monitoring |
8 000,00 |
5.29.1 |
Sperm vitrification |
8 000,00 |
5.23.6 |
60 000,00 | |
120 000,00 |
5.23.7 |
21 900,00 |
ART in stimulated cycle |
|| |
IVF (sedation, egg retrieval, fertilization, cultivation till 5th day, embryo transfer, vitrification one cryotop) |
171 000,00 | |
ICSI (sedation, egg retrieval, fertilization, cultivation till 5th day, embryo transfer, vitrification one cryotop) |
213 000,00 | |
ART for oocyte vitrification (sedation, egg retrieval, vitrification, one year storage) |
97 490,00 |
ART in natural cycle |
|| |
IVF (sedation, egg retrieval, fertilization and cultivation, embryo transfer) |
85 000,00 | |
ICSI (sedation, egg retrieval, fertilization and cultivation, embryo transfer) |
100 000,00 |
|| |
ART for oocyte vitrification (sedation, egg retrieval, vitrification, one year storage) |
78 490,00 |
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) |
5.26.1 |
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) |
29 500,00 |
Donor programs |
|| |
IVF with donor oocytes (donor stimulation, sedation, egg retrieval, fertilization, cultivation till 5th day, embryo transfer, vitrification one cryotop) |
371 000,00 |
|| |
ICSI with donor oocytes (donor stimulation, sedation, egg retrieval, fertilization, cultivation till 5th day, embryo transfer, embryo vitrification one cryotop) |
413 000,00 |
|| |
Donor sperm |
16 000,00 | |
2 cryopreserved donor embryos (1 cryotop) |
120 000,00 | |
1 cryopreserved donor embryo (1 cryotop) |
70 000,00 | |
1 cryopreserved donor embryo PGT tested (1 cryotop) |
115 000,00 |
|| |
ICSI with vitrified donor oocytes (at least 3 vitrified donor oocytes, thawing one cryotop with donor oocytes, fertilization, cultivation till 5th day, embryo transfer, embryo vitrification one cryotop) |
258 350,00 |
Invasive methods of obtaining spermatozoa |
5.34 |
Obtaining spermatozoa from the testicle, the appendage of the testicle for ART (PESA, TESE) |
45 000,00 |
8.17 |
Processing of a man's biopsy/aspiration biomaterial for sperm isolation |
9 500,00 |
8.18 |
Microsurgical biopsy of testis and testicular appendage (micro-TESE; MESA) |
59 000,00 |
Genetic tests (PGD) |
4.32 |
Trophectoderm biopsy |
18 000,00 |
4.32.1 |
Trophectoderm biopsy (for each embryo) |
5 000,00 |
PD-009 |
Preimplantation diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities by NGS method (for each sample) |
30 000,00 |
Schedule an appointment
Connect our Patient Service department to make an appointment. To arrange the date and time, our staff will need your personal details and a brief summary of the reason for your first visit, which includes:
- previous treatments, if provided,
- previous tests, if performed.
We need this information so that our experts can prepare for your consultation.